• “Fuck You” money is having enough savings to walk away from your job
  • Build up enough savings to cover your living expenses for a year or more
  • Use FU money as leverage to protect your career direction and happiness
It’s something you dream about now and then. It happens more often when you’re banging your head against a wall at work or when you’re doing nothing but putting out fires nonstop.

The dream is usually about walking into your manager’s office or standing up in the middle of your open office and declaring, “That’s it. I’m done. I’m fucking outta here!” Then, you drop the mic and just walk out of the building without a single care in the world. The bullshit isn’t worth the money and you can afford to tell the company to go shove it.

We all daydream at work about this at least once a month or more. And, it’s such a great dream because you are in a position of power with the “Fuck You” (FU) money you have. You don’t have to put up any bullshit.

Then, unfortunately, you snap back to reality. You’re at your desk having to deal with the hard truths of corporate life and eagerly waiting for 5 o’clock to roll around so that you can disconnect from work and leave all the bullshit behind.

What Is Fuck You (F.U.) Money Anyway?

FU money, also known as “Fuck You Money”, refers to having enough savings or investments that can cover your living expenses for a certain period of time, typically at a minimum of about six months or ideally, a year or more.

Having this financial cushion gives you the power, freedom and flexibility to make career decisions without being solely driven by monetary concerns, being chained to your job or being at the mercy of an asshole boss.

It’s so soul-crushing when you are trapped. It’s when you want to quit but you need the money so you keep putting up with all the stress and anxieties just to keep your job so that you can pay the bills. It makes managing work stress so much harder than it needs to be.

Having FU money is the ultimate position of power to be in. You don’t have to give in or bow down to your bitch boss requests or put up with any of the company demands that continue to beat you down.

Benefits Of Having FU Money

Having FU money presents numerous benefits that can empower your career decisions. It’s about having the freedom to choose the kind of work you want to pursue. It’s the kind of work that will make your job more fulfilling and purposeful.

FU money provides financial security, enabling you to make decisions based on your career aspirations rather than immediate financial concerns. It also gives you the freedom to explore opportunities that might be seen as risky, such as turning that lunchtime side hustle microjob into a full-time business or changing careers.

This financial cushion also gives you much stronger leverage and bargaining power during salary negotiations too. It allows you to stand firm on your terms rather than succumbing to pressure. You can legitimately say, “Yeah, no thanks. The offer doesn’t meet my expectations” and you can walk.

Furthermore, should you find yourself in a toxic work environment, FU money allows you to walk away without worrying about your bills. Ultimately, FU money empowers you to make career decisions that align with your goals, values, and most importantly, your happiness.

How To Save Up FU Money

Here’s the short answer and it’s very simple - stop spending money on all the various bullshit things that you don’t need and save, save, save.

Do you really need that extra pair of shoes?

Will buying that piece of designer clothing make any real meaningful difference in your life?

Can you eat out just once a week instead of every damn day?

Society and social media promote lavish lifestyles that, let’s be honest here, most incomes can’t support. While you can splurge every once in a while, doing it all the time is unsustainable. The are other better ways to trigger happiness in your life than spending your money on materialistic things.

The amount of FU money needed is subjective and varies depending on your specific living expenses, lifestyle, risk tolerance and where you are in your career.

The general rule of thumb is to have six to twelve months' worth of expenses saved up. This includes your housing costs, food expenses, utilities, internet and phone, etc. - just the core expenses.

If you live in a major city, then you’ll need more money saved up than if you live in a rural area. If you’re able to move back home with your parents or find a shared apartment with roommates, then you can build up more FU budget in a shorter amount of time.

Next, if you work in retail or restaurant service, you’ll be able to find another job much faster within six months than if you worked in a senior level position at a big corporation where it might take you about a year or more to land another job. For middle management positions, figure about one month of job search for every $10k you make in salary to land another similarly paying position.

Whatever scenario you’re in, it's essential to have a budget in place and cut unnecessary spending. Stop buying shit you don’t need. It's crucial to start saving and building up your FU money so it’s there when you need it. 

Build Up FU Money & Protect Your Happiness

Having money saved up is not just about having a safety net in case of upcoming layoffs and unforeseen circumstances, but it’s also about empowering yourself to make bold and fulfilling career decisions to ensure your happiness and wellbeing.

With the financial security and freedom of having a well-funded FU budget, you can take risks, negotiate confidently and shape your career to how you want it to be. And this will ultimately provide you with security and independence and allow you to prioritize your long-term career goals rather than having to give in to short-term monetary needs.

So stop spending your hard-earned money on bullshit materialistic crap and funnel that money toward building your FU budget today. Start small to get the momentum going. Cut out the unnecessary extras and only buy core living essentials.

Then, boost your savings and start carpooling, pack your lunches, make your own awesome coffee, etc. This will start to snowball into even more savings. You gotta get in the zone, take control of your career journey and protect your happiness.

Feel Better,

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