In today's modern workplace, where diversity and inclusion are more than just stupid ass business cliches and buzzwords, it's so fucking disheartening to witness or worse, experience situations where you are discriminated against because of your age.
Ageism is a silent typecast that grows deeper as you build more years in your career. It constantly shadows experienced professionals. Even though ageism is illegal, this shit happens all the time to millions of hard-working people every day.
We've all seen it, the not-so-subtle hints during interviews or the pass-over for promotions. It's like there's an unspoken belief that being fresh out of college automatically equates to more innovative thinking mindsets. And that a few gray hairs are signals that your creativity and ability are on the decline and that your brain is turning into mush.
It’s fucking bullshit. Unfortunately, it still happens today and probably will continue to happen in workplaces forever.
Ageism is a silent typecast that grows deeper as you build more years in your career. It constantly shadows experienced professionals. Even though ageism is illegal, this shit happens all the time to millions of hard-working people every day.
We've all seen it, the not-so-subtle hints during interviews or the pass-over for promotions. It's like there's an unspoken belief that being fresh out of college automatically equates to more innovative thinking mindsets. And that a few gray hairs are signals that your creativity and ability are on the decline and that your brain is turning into mush.
It’s fucking bullshit. Unfortunately, it still happens today and probably will continue to happen in workplaces forever.
The Hard Realities Of Ageism
As office workers, many of us are no strangers to this not-so-secret discrimination. Whether you're approaching the middle of your career or you've got a few decades under your professional belt, ageism can sucker-punch you right in the face and pull the rug out from under you.
Even though age is a federally protected category in employment, it happens all the damn time. Some argue that it happens way more often than the other protected categories because companies can get away with it more easily.
For example, when an older employee is passed up for a promotion or loses out to another younger person for that opportunity, the hiring manager isn’t going to say that person is too old for the job. More likely, they’ll say that it’s “not a good fit” cultural-wise or personality-wise and leave it at that.
HR can’t point to that and say that’s ageism. Personality and culture is not a protected category. This is why and how a lot of asshole bosses can get away with ageism.
And, it’s not just limited to job opportunities and promotions.
All too often, when a company is going through reorgs and layoffs, it’s the older employees that get structured out. You can see through the bullshit when those positions that got eliminated also happen to be held by those with more years of experience.
Fuck no. They were all pushed out.
Ageism's cut goes deep. It not only messes up your perception of self-worth and mental well-being but it also distorts the lens through which employers and colleagues view people with more valuable experience.
What does this all mean?
Shitty hiring managers have this skewed perception that old people can’t cut it anymore. This results in bad hiring decisions for the company where the hiring manager fills a senior role with a fresh rookie with zero experience. The company ends up with a bunch of newbie PITA coworkers in senior positions who can’t work basic Excel spreadsheets or slap together a simple slide deck.
They don’t hire the right person for the job. Instead of putting newbies in entry-level positions where they can learn from experienced coworkers, they place them in higher positions without the requisite skills and knowledge. It’s a recipe for disaster for both the company and the new employee.
And it’s not just in middle management. This kind of shit happens at the executive level too. This is how some organizations and startups end up having fucking clueless executives at the top.
The result is that everyone gets screwed. The newbie is set up to fail due to a lack of experience and skills. The hiring manager turns into a bullshit micromanager to make up for the shortfall. The experienced candidate gets passed over and eventually quits. And then, overall company productivity and progress go down the toilet.
More specifically for older workers, what ends up happening is that they will have more missed opportunities, stalled promotions, and feel stuck at work because they are discriminated against for their age. It’s the opposite of professional growth. It’s professional stagnation.
Even though age is a federally protected category in employment, it happens all the damn time. Some argue that it happens way more often than the other protected categories because companies can get away with it more easily.
For example, when an older employee is passed up for a promotion or loses out to another younger person for that opportunity, the hiring manager isn’t going to say that person is too old for the job. More likely, they’ll say that it’s “not a good fit” cultural-wise or personality-wise and leave it at that.
HR can’t point to that and say that’s ageism. Personality and culture is not a protected category. This is why and how a lot of asshole bosses can get away with ageism.
And, it’s not just limited to job opportunities and promotions.
All too often, when a company is going through reorgs and layoffs, it’s the older employees that get structured out. You can see through the bullshit when those positions that got eliminated also happen to be held by those with more years of experience.
Fuck no. They were all pushed out.
Ageism's cut goes deep. It not only messes up your perception of self-worth and mental well-being but it also distorts the lens through which employers and colleagues view people with more valuable experience.
What does this all mean?
Shitty hiring managers have this skewed perception that old people can’t cut it anymore. This results in bad hiring decisions for the company where the hiring manager fills a senior role with a fresh rookie with zero experience. The company ends up with a bunch of newbie PITA coworkers in senior positions who can’t work basic Excel spreadsheets or slap together a simple slide deck.
They don’t hire the right person for the job. Instead of putting newbies in entry-level positions where they can learn from experienced coworkers, they place them in higher positions without the requisite skills and knowledge. It’s a recipe for disaster for both the company and the new employee.
And it’s not just in middle management. This kind of shit happens at the executive level too. This is how some organizations and startups end up having fucking clueless executives at the top.
The result is that everyone gets screwed. The newbie is set up to fail due to a lack of experience and skills. The hiring manager turns into a bullshit micromanager to make up for the shortfall. The experienced candidate gets passed over and eventually quits. And then, overall company productivity and progress go down the toilet.
More specifically for older workers, what ends up happening is that they will have more missed opportunities, stalled promotions, and feel stuck at work because they are discriminated against for their age. It’s the opposite of professional growth. It’s professional stagnation.
How To Minimize Ageism's Negative Impacts

Just as there are ways to get through rough days at work by downing some strong coffee and taking stress relief breaks throughout the day, there are ways to fortify yourself to minimize the negative impacts of ageism.
Is it going to eliminate them?
No, but it will ensure that you make it through to the other side.
Here are a few ways you can serve up a steaming mug of resilience and push back against those ageist undertones like a true office warrior.
Is it going to eliminate them?
No, but it will ensure that you make it through to the other side.
Here are a few ways you can serve up a steaming mug of resilience and push back against those ageist undertones like a true office warrior.
Emphasize Skills And Experience Over Age
The battle plan against ageism begins with a shift in focus. It’s like how a magician uses diversion to move the audience’s eyes to another area.
Instead of the number of years you have, highlight the “unique to you” skillset and palette of experiences you bring to the table that directly matches the results needed for the job and benefits the company.
You gotta do some career management even when you’re busy AF. Prepare a portfolio of career wins, accreditations, and other significant milestone achievements. You can’t put this off. You gotta get in the zone and do this. Incorporate this into a 30-day plan for acing your annual performance review and you can knock out both at once.
When age questions arise, pivot the conversation to your career journey, validating your value through demonstrable skills and achievements that are irrefutably and uniquely yours. You gotta own that shit like a boss.
Instead of the number of years you have, highlight the “unique to you” skillset and palette of experiences you bring to the table that directly matches the results needed for the job and benefits the company.
You gotta do some career management even when you’re busy AF. Prepare a portfolio of career wins, accreditations, and other significant milestone achievements. You can’t put this off. You gotta get in the zone and do this. Incorporate this into a 30-day plan for acing your annual performance review and you can knock out both at once.
When age questions arise, pivot the conversation to your career journey, validating your value through demonstrable skills and achievements that are irrefutably and uniquely yours. You gotta own that shit like a boss.
Keep Learning And Developing Skills
The rhythm of the modern workplace can range from one of total fucking chaos where you’re doing nothing but putting out fires all day to enduring the slow death of back–to–back boring conference calls all day long.
Whatever the pace is like, there’s always something that you can learn during those phases. You gotta embrace lifelong learning not just as a way to stay current but as a way to make sure that you ensure your career progression or job stability.
You can improve your skills for free through online courses, industry webinars, and local meetups. All of these things offer not just the chance to hone existing skills but also to acquire new ones. Growth does not equate to youth. It is a testimony to adaptability and resilience. These are traits that defy age brackets.
Whatever the pace is like, there’s always something that you can learn during those phases. You gotta embrace lifelong learning not just as a way to stay current but as a way to make sure that you ensure your career progression or job stability.
You can improve your skills for free through online courses, industry webinars, and local meetups. All of these things offer not just the chance to hone existing skills but also to acquire new ones. Growth does not equate to youth. It is a testimony to adaptability and resilience. These are traits that defy age brackets.
Build Intergenerational Alliances
It’s time that we all stop using generational put-downs like “Okay Boomer” and “Lazy Millennials”. We’re all in this shitty working world together.
In the fight against ageism, you gotta form positive kick-ass alliances at work. Your allies come in all shapes, sizes, and yes, ages. Create networks across generational lines where experience is respected, and knowledge is shared without generational barriers.
Find opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from different age groups. When you do, share your expertise as a peer mentor and also be open to absorbing the wisdom they've got from their specific skill sets. It's not just a way to combat ageism. It's a formula for a workplace that thrives on diverse perspectives and builds positive office karma for all.
In the fight against ageism, you gotta form positive kick-ass alliances at work. Your allies come in all shapes, sizes, and yes, ages. Create networks across generational lines where experience is respected, and knowledge is shared without generational barriers.
Find opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from different age groups. When you do, share your expertise as a peer mentor and also be open to absorbing the wisdom they've got from their specific skill sets. It's not just a way to combat ageism. It's a formula for a workplace that thrives on diverse perspectives and builds positive office karma for all.
Never Doubt Your Self-Worth
Your self-worth is the foundation of your confidence and helps to shape your personal and professional lives. Doubting ourselves is unfortunately a common habit that many of us struggle with. We end up in a downward spiral that we can’t climb out of.
When we allow these doubts to take over, it feeds the internal doubter in our heads. It causes us to make weak-ass decisions that just make our lives harder than they need to be. You have to quiet the asshole in your head and stop the negativity so that you don’t keep falling down the hole deeper.
Having a positive self-worth not only improves our mental and emotional health, but it strengthens our relationships and opens doors to endless possibilities. Remember, your value is not defined by some bitch boss and her fucked up perspective of you. They're the ones who are fucked up, not you.
You gotta be your own best cheerleader by never losing sight of the unique qualities and strengths that make you who you are. Trust yourself and never doubt your worth - ever.
When we allow these doubts to take over, it feeds the internal doubter in our heads. It causes us to make weak-ass decisions that just make our lives harder than they need to be. You have to quiet the asshole in your head and stop the negativity so that you don’t keep falling down the hole deeper.
Having a positive self-worth not only improves our mental and emotional health, but it strengthens our relationships and opens doors to endless possibilities. Remember, your value is not defined by some bitch boss and her fucked up perspective of you. They're the ones who are fucked up, not you.
You gotta be your own best cheerleader by never losing sight of the unique qualities and strengths that make you who you are. Trust yourself and never doubt your worth - ever.
The Fight Against Ageism Never Ends

It’d be ideal if ageism never happens and everyone is objectively judged on their contribution, efforts and impact to the organization. However, we don’t live in a utopian world of workplace perfection - that shit doesn’t exist and never will.
Know this - wisdom doesn't fade with age, nor does the ability to lead and transform. These stereotypes about older workers can gnaw away at your confidence, making you question your worth and making managing work stress much harder than it needs to be.
However, if you focus on your unique abilities and experience, keep honing your skills, form ageless alliances and be your own best cheerleader, you’ll minimize any and all cuts from the ageism blade. And a side benefit is that you’ll be training your mind to keep a positive attitude at work.
In the end, the struggle against ageism is not just about personal preservation. It's about valuing individuals based on their merits like how much grunt work they can smash out every week, not on misconceptions tied to how many candles they had on their last birthday cake.
Whether you’re in the middle of your career or just around the corner from retirement, ageism can’t keep you down. You wanna know why?
Experience always wins in the long run.
Feel Better,
Know this - wisdom doesn't fade with age, nor does the ability to lead and transform. These stereotypes about older workers can gnaw away at your confidence, making you question your worth and making managing work stress much harder than it needs to be.
However, if you focus on your unique abilities and experience, keep honing your skills, form ageless alliances and be your own best cheerleader, you’ll minimize any and all cuts from the ageism blade. And a side benefit is that you’ll be training your mind to keep a positive attitude at work.
In the end, the struggle against ageism is not just about personal preservation. It's about valuing individuals based on their merits like how much grunt work they can smash out every week, not on misconceptions tied to how many candles they had on their last birthday cake.
Whether you’re in the middle of your career or just around the corner from retirement, ageism can’t keep you down. You wanna know why?
Experience always wins in the long run.
Feel Better,