• Shift your mindset about your job to improve your mood
  • Simplify your lifestyle to cut back on excessive spending and build up a savings buffer
  • Create a plan to find the job you really want
Every time the alarm goes off, your stomach ties itself in knots.

Just the thought of dragging your ass out of bed and into work makes you feel sick.

You hate your job.

You'd quit in a heartbeat but you really need the money.

You've got so dependent on your paycheck, you feel completely trapped. Even the idea of losing it makes you break out in a cold sweat.

Your thought process probably goes something like this.

I probably won’t find another job I actually like so why not stay at one that pays well?

Every time you think about quitting and losing your income, you imagine being homeless and starving or having to move back in with your parents. And it's this type of fear that's keeping you from calling it quits.

But sometimes, no amount of money can make life more bearable.

Here’s the thing.

After a certain point, money doesn’t make you happier. Meaning, once you’re able to put a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on the table, everything else is just fluff.

Assuming your paycheck meets your basic needs/expenses, you need other non-monetary things including feeling a sense of purpose from your job, getting recognition for your efforts and getting along with your coworkers or better still, having a work BFF to help you cope.

If an asshole boss or a shitty work environment is the biggest problem, this little trick can sometimes be enough to feel better about going to work. With some clever mindset shifts, work can become a happier place to be.

When you’re desperate to jump ship but you feel trapped and there’s no chance of making things better, cutting your losses can quickly seem like the best solution.

And despite your big fears, it doesn’t mean taking a major hit on your quality of life. There’s a solution to this.

Why People Stay In Jobs They Hate Just For The Money

Needing your paycheck to survive is one of the big reasons why you stick around in a job that drains you and makes you miserable. Even more so if you’re paying down debt or you’ve got no savings and you’re living paycheck to paycheck.

Being financially dependent on your paycheck isn’t the only reason that people stay in well-paid jobs they hate.

Fear is another factor.

It’s really scary to take a leap into the unknown. And if you’re getting good money in your current job, it feels a whole lot safer to stay put. After all, the next place could be even shittier.

And that’s if you even get another job, right? 
If you’ve got a steady decent salary, good benefits, kick-ass work perks and an amazing retirement plan, you can convince yourself that being miserable in your cubicle day after day is the best way forward.

But think of it this way.

What are you sacrificing in exchange for the money and benefits?

For most people, the trade-off is happiness or lack of. And when this happens, it feels like you’re just wasting away your life.

Your physical and mental health can also suffer.

The stress of hating your job but feeling unable to quit can destroy your health.

Sleepless nights, constant exhaustion, tension headaches, muscle pains, stomach-wrenching digestion problems and getting sick all the time are just a few of the things that happen to your body when you’re under constant stress at work.

This study from Stanford University shows the devastating toll that a stressful job can wreak on your health. In short, it can seriously shorten your life expectancy.

How To Turn Things Around

Since feeling financially trapped in a job you fucking hate isn’t going to do your well-being any favors, it’s time to get your action plan sorted out. That way, you don't have to feel like this for any longer than you need to.

A job you hate can become a lot more bearable once you give yourself permission to change things.

If you’ve already decided you want out, start getting your escape route sorted.

Once you’ve given yourself notice on this and have accepted it, it lifts a huge amount of the stress that’s been consuming you. It’s like when you’ve decided to leave a toxic relationship. You’ve emotionally and mentally detached yourself and can more easily move onto the next chapter in life.

Sure, it’s still a shitty situation but it’s not going to last forever.

If you’re less sure about leaving anytime soon, you still have options to make life better.

Here’s how to feel happier about the situation, whichever road you take. 

1) Create A Mindset Of Abundance 

The biggest reason you’ve stuck it out for this long is likely mindset-related, especially during those times when you feel trapped in your job.

You're in scarcity mode when you really need to be in abundance mode.

This has nothing to do with how much income you earn. It’s all about how you think.

In scarcity mode, you feel like a victim trapped by shitty circumstances, with no option to change things. You think that there are no or very few options available to you.

You’re fueled by fear.

But in an abundance mindset, you’re in control. You acknowledge all of the good stuff that’s surrounding you and you see opportunities to live the life you want.

Rather than hanging onto a job you hate in case you never find a similar one, you believe you can find a role that makes you happy and keeps you from being destitute.

That might mean making your current role less stressful or finding one that brings more joy. Or, maybe a little of both.

Here’s a little 5-minute clip on how to create an abundance mindset.

VIDEO: 5 Ways to Create an Abundance Mindset
YOUTUBE: Your Youniverse
LENGTH: 5:26
Summary points:
  • Create an abundance mindset by looking for proof of abundance in anything in your life
  • Noticing any kind of abundance daily will reprogram your brain’s default setting
  •  Do more of what makes you happy every day, no matter how small or insignificant
  •  Celebrate your small wins and successes to boost your positivity

2) Change How You Feel About Your Job

If quitting isn’t an option, switch up your mindset instead. You can get a brand new perspective by changing how you think about your job.

Reframing how you see your situation can be a game-changer for your career, even if you ultimately decide to move on. Not only will it help you, but you’ll also be spreading the good karma around and letting happiness at work happen more often.

You can start this right now with a very simple exercise.

When you feel trapped in your job, you often overlook the positives and get fixated only on the negative aspects. So, take a minute to think about what you like about your job.

Think beyond your paycheck to the non-monetary things.

Maybe, it’s a short commute.

Or being able to meet up with your BFF for lunch.

Or that you have A/C on hot days or warmth on cold ones.

Or even the free office donuts.

Or even more simply that you HAVE a job.

Whatever it is, give it a major focus in your mind. It’s going to make cubicle life more bearable and maybe even make your job more fulfilling and awesomer.

Write down the small things you’re grateful for every day to build positivity about your job. This helps to reprogram your brain’s default negativity.

It’s also about challenging the beliefs you have around your career.

Maybe you constantly tell yourself that everyone hates their job and there’s nothing unique about your situation.

And guess what?

You’re tuning your brain to only listen to negativity. You convince yourself that shitty situations are “normal” and it stops you from seeking out happiness and joy. Doing this will keep you stuck in that attitude.

This is even more true if you’re surrounded by miserable coworkers who also hate their jobs and aren’t inclined to change things. Misery loves company, right?

It’s time to stop. Or, at the very least, offset the negativity with positivity.

Actively seek out the good things about your job, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Get into the habit of being grateful for all the stuff that you never paid attention to.

3) Make A Lateral Career Move

Leaving your job doesn’t have to be a backward move.

Making a lateral career move means you don’t need to take an income hit or settle for less responsibility than you’ve got now.

And when you feel stuck at work, making a lateral move can boost your career over the long-term by varying your experience and rounding out your skills.

If you’re craving a promotion but it’s not likely to happen anytime soon, a sideways move to another role can develop skills and boost your credentials.

You won’t see instant results and that’s okay. You’re playing the long game here. You’ll reap the rewards in due time. They will come your way.

If you’re dealing with the stress of reorgs or layoffs, a lateral move to another company with better prospects can avoid the stress and uncertainty of losing your job.

You’ve got two choices here.

You can move within the same company and try to survive the cuts or head off into the sunset.

The key thing here?

Unless you’re planning a complete change of career, look for roles that offer at least the same pay, benefits, and responsibility - not a step backward. This way, you can quit your job without worrying about how you’ll make ends meet.

But if you’re not happy with the role itself, doing the same job at another company isn’t going to solve anything.

Let’s review both options.

A) Take A New Role In The Same Company

What if you’re desperate for a promotion but there’s no potential for it in your department?

This is when moving elsewhere within the company can open doors.

And if you’ve got an asshole boss, there’s also the win-win of getting away from them when you jump departments.

Moving within the same company has its advantages. You’re already familiar with everybody and have a proven track record in your current role. There are fewer unknowns.

Some companies actively encourage internal transfers and lateral movement to cross-train employees, which makes it easier to switch roles.

That said, you’ll still want to do your research on the role(s) you’re interested in. Talk to people who already work in the department and make sure it’s a smart move for you. 

B) Take A Similar Role In Another Company 

What if the company culture is negative or downright toxic and you’ve had no luck in creating positivity at work?

Sometimes, you just have to admit defeat and walk away with your sanity and health intact.

This is where a lateral move to another company can pay dividends. Another company may help you feel happier and more fulfilled or make it easier to reach your career goals.

If you want to make a lateral move elsewhere, get set-up on LinkedIn, job hunt every day, even if it’s only for 30 minutes here and there. And, don’t ignore recruiters, they can be a huge asset during these times. Doing a little bit of new job hunting every day will pay-off in the end.

4) Work On Your Relationship With Money

In a well-paying job, it’s easy to fall into spending beyond your means, especially if you don’t have a solid handle on budgeting.

Buying material things does bring temporary joy, but because it doesn’t last long, you keep on buying more stuff to keep that feeling going. Shopping is an addiction.

However, if you know where every dollar is going, it’s easier to feel in control of your finances. And that fear of seeing the “insufficient funds” notice is a whole lot less likely to come true.

Budgeting can move you away from frantic survival mode.

When you’re not desperately needing to make ends meet, you’ll feel more at ease, calmer and you’ll have more energy for changing your situation.

You need to build up a savings buffer. And the best way to do that is simplifying your life and cutting expenses.

Do you really need Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video all together?

Instead of going out for lunch every day, can you pack a lunch two times a week?

Can you spend less on gas or maybe even consider carpooling to work to save even more money?

Do you really need that new shirt, dress or pair of shoes when you’ve got plenty already?

Stop spending your hard-earned money on bullshit things.

Saving a portion of your paycheck helps you pay down debt and build an emergency fund. And this emergency fund is what will give you the freedom to make changes in the future.

If you can, you can also work a lunchtime side hustle for a bit of extra dough. It’s not going to make you rich, but every penny counts.

Whatever you can save and not spend will mean that you’ll be that much closer to doing what you really want to do or give you the comfort in knowing that you can walk at any time. 

Your Current Situation Is A Perfect Transition To Better Things - Believe It!

Needing your income but hating your job is one of the worst combinations in work life. It’s a stressful combination that can keep you trapped in a shitty job for years.

Feeling you can’t survive without your paycheck is very common in well-paid jobs too, especially if your lifestyle matches your income. Then, you’re really trapped because you want to maintain your current lifestyle.

Money is great to a point. Beyond a certain amount, it won’t make you any happier. And often, it can be the reason why you’re scared to quit your job, try something new or encourage more happiness at work.

Our solution is simple: modify your perspective or current job situation to make it better while building up your savings for your next new opportunity.

The key foundational element here is moving away from a fear-based mindset and closer to a more positivity-based one. This is the secret to not feeling trapped in your job.

The power to feel happier and still earn a good paycheck is closer than you think. It’s within reach if you make the necessary changes and stick to them. Without change, nothing’s gonna happen.

This may mean moving to a new role in your company or elsewhere or changing your attitude to make your current job suck less.

Either way, you’re in the driving seat. You get to choose what lane to take and how fast you want to go. It’s time to put this baby in “D” and start moving forward.

Feel Better,

more on cubicle life