Dead butt syndrome is from sitting too long in one position. Minimize and prevent it by getting up frequently throughout the day and moving your body.
It’s turning out to be one of those days where your schedule is filled with a bunch of back-to-back calls and video meetings.
As one call is ending, you’re having to dial in or log on to another one right afterward. You don’t even have a chance to take a piss. It’s non-stop for most of the morning.
Right at about the third meeting, you can feel your ass getting uncomfortable but it’s not too bad so you press on and continue plugging away.
Then, by the mid-afternoon, your ass is officially sore as fuck. It’s a blend of numbing pain mixed in with pins-n-needles. It feels like your sitting on a chair made of concrete.
It’s at this point, that you have no choice but to try to get up from your chair to relieve the pain. As you’re trying to get up from the chair, you struggle to put one foot in front of the other. It’s like you’re learning to walk all over again.
Once you finally get moving, you really feel the pain and soreness. It’s actually hard to walk. Your first few steps are more like hobbling than walking.
You do your best to “shake it off” with a short walk to the kitchen or bathroom, but it doesn’t help much. Your ass hurts but there’s not much you can do as your next meeting starts in a few minutes. You grimace and head back to your torture chair.
You, my friend, officially have dead butt syndrome.
It’s a very common thing in work from home situations because unlike the office where you’re moving around more, at home, you’re sitting for much longer.
As one call is ending, you’re having to dial in or log on to another one right afterward. You don’t even have a chance to take a piss. It’s non-stop for most of the morning.
Right at about the third meeting, you can feel your ass getting uncomfortable but it’s not too bad so you press on and continue plugging away.
Then, by the mid-afternoon, your ass is officially sore as fuck. It’s a blend of numbing pain mixed in with pins-n-needles. It feels like your sitting on a chair made of concrete.
It’s at this point, that you have no choice but to try to get up from your chair to relieve the pain. As you’re trying to get up from the chair, you struggle to put one foot in front of the other. It’s like you’re learning to walk all over again.
Once you finally get moving, you really feel the pain and soreness. It’s actually hard to walk. Your first few steps are more like hobbling than walking.
You do your best to “shake it off” with a short walk to the kitchen or bathroom, but it doesn’t help much. Your ass hurts but there’s not much you can do as your next meeting starts in a few minutes. You grimace and head back to your torture chair.
You, my friend, officially have dead butt syndrome.
It’s a very common thing in work from home situations because unlike the office where you’re moving around more, at home, you’re sitting for much longer.
What Is Dead Butt Syndrome?
Dead butt syndrome is when your ass gets sore from sitting too long in one position. The medical term is called “decubitus ulcer” or more commonly known as bedsores.
Bedsores often happen to patients that are immobile and cannot move while laying in bed. So, their bodies remain in the same position for extended periods of time.
This results in “hot spots” or pressure points on the body that prevent blood from flowing into and out of those areas. It’s those spots on the body where a lot of the weight is focused. This prevents oxygen-rich blood from circulating in that spot.
This lack of blood circulation can result in damage to the skin and underlying tissues and muscles. This is why patients need to be “turned” or moved in bed.
This is exactly what’s happening to your ass when you sit for too long in one position like on long road trips, flights or in this specific case, at your desk.
You’re creating two hotspots under your ass, specifically the areas right under your ass bones. About two-thirds of your entire body’s weight is focused on those two spots. This prevents blood flow to those areas, resulting in soreness.
Bedsores often happen to patients that are immobile and cannot move while laying in bed. So, their bodies remain in the same position for extended periods of time.
This results in “hot spots” or pressure points on the body that prevent blood from flowing into and out of those areas. It’s those spots on the body where a lot of the weight is focused. This prevents oxygen-rich blood from circulating in that spot.
This lack of blood circulation can result in damage to the skin and underlying tissues and muscles. This is why patients need to be “turned” or moved in bed.
This is exactly what’s happening to your ass when you sit for too long in one position like on long road trips, flights or in this specific case, at your desk.
You’re creating two hotspots under your ass, specifically the areas right under your ass bones. About two-thirds of your entire body’s weight is focused on those two spots. This prevents blood flow to those areas, resulting in soreness.
Instant Relief For Sore Ass Pain
If you’re experiencing dead butt syndrome, instant relief is easy and doesn’t require any special treatment or therapy.
It’s simply two things: moving and stretching.
The key things that you’ll be working on are your butt muscles (glutes) and your hip flexors.
Your hip flexors are a group of muscles near the top and inside of your thighs that connect through your pelvis to your lower back. They’re critical muscles for moving your lower body and also stabilizing your lower back.
You’ll often notice that when you have dead butt syndrome, you also have some lower back pain too. The two often go hand-in-hand. When you sit down for a long time, your hip flexors tend to get tight which in turn pulls on your lower back causing additional strain.
Both of these issues can be easily resolved by doing the following.
It’s simply two things: moving and stretching.
The key things that you’ll be working on are your butt muscles (glutes) and your hip flexors.
Your hip flexors are a group of muscles near the top and inside of your thighs that connect through your pelvis to your lower back. They’re critical muscles for moving your lower body and also stabilizing your lower back.
You’ll often notice that when you have dead butt syndrome, you also have some lower back pain too. The two often go hand-in-hand. When you sit down for a long time, your hip flexors tend to get tight which in turn pulls on your lower back causing additional strain.
Both of these issues can be easily resolved by doing the following.
1) Go For A Walk Outside
The easiest thing to do is simply unglue your ass from the chair and get your body moving. Go for a walk around your house. Or more ideally, if you can, go for a walk outside around the block and get out of the house for a few minutes.
Just the simple act of walking and moving your body is enough to counteract the sore numbness from sitting down.
You could also do low-sweat workouts during lunch to really help yourself.
Just the simple act of walking and moving your body is enough to counteract the sore numbness from sitting down.
You could also do low-sweat workouts during lunch to really help yourself.
2) Walk Up & Down Stairs
If possible, add in some stair climbing to your walk. Go up and down a flight of stairs a few times. This will really help to fire up your gluteal muscles and get that blood circulating again in your ass cheeks.
If you can, try going up the stairs two steps at a time. This will add more range of motion to your hip joints which will help to distribute your joint fluids.
If you can, try going up the stairs two steps at a time. This will add more range of motion to your hip joints which will help to distribute your joint fluids.
3) Stretch Your Glutes
When you get back from your walk and micro stair-climbing session, go to the living room and stretch your glutes.
It’s important to stretch your glutes to maintain strength and improve circulation.
A simple butt stretch is all you need. Here’s a quick 30-second visual demo of how to do the stretch lying down.
VIDEO: Lying Glute Stretch
YOUTUBE: Nuffield Health
LENGTH: 00:35
It’s important to stretch your glutes to maintain strength and improve circulation.
A simple butt stretch is all you need. Here’s a quick 30-second visual demo of how to do the stretch lying down.
VIDEO: Lying Glute Stretch
YOUTUBE: Nuffield Health
LENGTH: 00:35
4) Stretch Your Hip Flexors
When you’re sitting at your desk for a long time, your hip flexors get tight because they’re not being stretched.
One great way to stretch your hip flexors is to do kneeled lunges.
It’s a good idea to do this on a carpeted floor or use a folded up towel under your knee for more comfort.
Check out this 30-second explanation.
VIDEO: Hip Flexor Stretch
YOUTUBE: AskDoctorJo
LENGTH: 00:35
One great way to stretch your hip flexors is to do kneeled lunges.
It’s a good idea to do this on a carpeted floor or use a folded up towel under your knee for more comfort.
Check out this 30-second explanation.
VIDEO: Hip Flexor Stretch
YOUTUBE: AskDoctorJo
LENGTH: 00:35
Preventing Dead Butt Syndrome
Most of us don’t have the luxury of having a company paid home office set-up complete with an adaptable standing/sitting desk. Most everyone has just one configuration - a basic sitting desk set-up.
So, here’s what you can do to minimize and prevent the onset of sore ass while you’re working from home.
So, here’s what you can do to minimize and prevent the onset of sore ass while you’re working from home.
1) Shift Your Ass Around While Sitting
When you feel the slightest amount of numbness setting in, shift and move your ass in the seat. Even just a simple and minor seating adjustment will greatly improve things.
You can move further forward or backward in your chair or even change up your leg position from open to cross-legged, right-over-left and vice versa. Any changes to your seating position help. Mix things up.
You can move further forward or backward in your chair or even change up your leg position from open to cross-legged, right-over-left and vice versa. Any changes to your seating position help. Mix things up.
2) Add More Cushion
If you’ve got an old desk chair, the cushioning foam is probably all blown out by now. Try adding a bit more padding to the chair with some old towels or even a small puffy blanket.
The added cushioning will help to minimize the effects of the hotspots.
The added cushioning will help to minimize the effects of the hotspots.
3) Spread Out Your Seating Weight
To really minimize the effects of the hotspots, you need to spread out your weight and not have it focused on your sit bones.
Adjust your seating position with your body and chair so that your hips are slightly higher than your thighs and your feet are comfortably flat on the floor.
You should feel your weight evenly distributed from your butt and all along the back of your thighs with a lighter amount from your feet. This more even distribution of body weight will minimize hotspots on your ass.
Adjust your seating position with your body and chair so that your hips are slightly higher than your thighs and your feet are comfortably flat on the floor.
You should feel your weight evenly distributed from your butt and all along the back of your thighs with a lighter amount from your feet. This more even distribution of body weight will minimize hotspots on your ass.
4) Get Up & Move Around Every 20-30 minutes
Whenever possible, get up from your chair and move around every 20 to 30 minutes. It’s always a good idea to get your body moving and not be so sedentary.
Go for a 5-minute walk around your neighborhood. Or, if you’re really pressed for time, just literally walk around your house once or twice before heading back to your desk.
And while you’re at it, it’s also a good time to give your eyes a break too. Staring at the screen for a long time can result in digital eye strain. So, look at some distant objects or do some cloud appreciation sessions.
Go for a 5-minute walk around your neighborhood. Or, if you’re really pressed for time, just literally walk around your house once or twice before heading back to your desk.
And while you’re at it, it’s also a good time to give your eyes a break too. Staring at the screen for a long time can result in digital eye strain. So, look at some distant objects or do some cloud appreciation sessions.
5) Do Air Squats & Lunges Between Tasks
Sitting all day isn’t doing you any favors for your health. You need to do some kind of exercise. And since not everyone is a devoted workout fanatic, you can do easy micro-exercises instead.
Two micro-exercises that you can integrate into your day are air squats and lunges.
Air squats are simple squats you can do right next to your desk. Just doing 5-10 squats in between calls or meetings is a great way to keep your butt muscles activated.
Standing lunges are simply a single long step forward and backward with the same leg. Start in a standing position. Take a long step forward and lower yourself slowly and then, raise yourself back up and bring your forward foot back to the standing position.
Repeat this for your other leg. Do a few lunges on each side.
Both of these simple exercises are great ways to stop sore ass syndrome.
Two micro-exercises that you can integrate into your day are air squats and lunges.
Air squats are simple squats you can do right next to your desk. Just doing 5-10 squats in between calls or meetings is a great way to keep your butt muscles activated.
Standing lunges are simply a single long step forward and backward with the same leg. Start in a standing position. Take a long step forward and lower yourself slowly and then, raise yourself back up and bring your forward foot back to the standing position.
Repeat this for your other leg. Do a few lunges on each side.
Both of these simple exercises are great ways to stop sore ass syndrome.
6) Do Walking Conference Calls
There are many boring and stupid conference calls that you’re “required” to join but really don’t need your direct input and/or feedback.
Instead of taking these calls sitting at your desk, do walking conference calls to get your body moving. Go for a walk while listening in on the call.
Not only will you prevent ass soreness, but you’ll also get some fresh air. Plus, it’s always good to mix things up and change the scenery from the same four walls of your WFH office.
And when the weekend rolls around, go for a long walk in nature to fully decompress. It has some incredible benefits.
Instead of taking these calls sitting at your desk, do walking conference calls to get your body moving. Go for a walk while listening in on the call.
Not only will you prevent ass soreness, but you’ll also get some fresh air. Plus, it’s always good to mix things up and change the scenery from the same four walls of your WFH office.
And when the weekend rolls around, go for a long walk in nature to fully decompress. It has some incredible benefits.
Keep Your Body Moving To Banish Butt Pain

Human bodies were never meant to be sitting for long durations. They were meant to move and be active.
Office work isn’t a physically demanding activity. The resulting sedentary lifestyle leads to all sorts of health issues, including the dreaded dead butt syndrome.
The good news is that since you’re working from home, you have the flexibility to integrate these tips into your day to banish butt sores for good.
Moving your body and doing simple stretches are one of the many ways you can make WFH more comfortable and in a larger scope, manage work stress effectively.
So, don’t just sit on your ass all day and suffer. Get up, move around and be happy that you can do all of this and get paid.
Feel Better,
Office work isn’t a physically demanding activity. The resulting sedentary lifestyle leads to all sorts of health issues, including the dreaded dead butt syndrome.
The good news is that since you’re working from home, you have the flexibility to integrate these tips into your day to banish butt sores for good.
Moving your body and doing simple stretches are one of the many ways you can make WFH more comfortable and in a larger scope, manage work stress effectively.
So, don’t just sit on your ass all day and suffer. Get up, move around and be happy that you can do all of this and get paid.
Feel Better,